Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fourteen Days of Thanks - Day 6

Day 5: I am thankful for my husband, Randy.

Randy was probably wondering when I would get around to saying I was thankful for him. Well, if he read our blog! Actually, I was saving him for last, but since I'm having writer's block today I figured I would write about something I can say so much about. So here goes:

From The Harrelson Family

Randy & I met in 2003. He had just moved to OK for a job with a mutual friend and I was home from college for the summer. We met at church and to this day Randy still says I made the first move. Really I was just trying to make him feel welcome and all. The funny thing in all this is we have another mutual friend, Corey. Corey had told me that a friend of his was moving to OK and asked me to make him feel welcome. What I didn't know was that Corey told Randy he had a friend in OK and that I was supposed to look out for him. Apparently Randy had pictured Corey's friend a little differently than me (tall and blond). So when we found how we both knew Corey, we had a lot to laugh about.

From The Harrelson Family

We started dating in Dec of 2003 and for the next 1.5 years did the long distance relationship thing. Then I graduated in May 2005. Randy went to India for 6 weeks on a mission trip and I moved home, to job hunt and enjoy my last summer of freedom. Then I got a job in TX and moved to Dallas. Randy moved about 4 months later. We continued dating, got involved in TCAL and loved being closer than 1.5 hrs to each other. :) Randy proposed in Nov 2006 and we were married in April 2007.

From The Harrelson Family

Now we have been married 1.5 years and have loved every minute of it. It has had its ups and downs, but all have been worth it. Now Randy is looking for a job with a fire department in the area and working for an ambulance company. He has been on nights for 2 weeks now, and it has been an adjustment for both of us.

From Wedding Photos

I am so thankful for Randy being in my life. He is my biggest fan, my cheerleader, my voice of reason and reality, my encouragement, and my life of the party. He has blessed my life just by being in it and I am so thankful for him. I can't wait for the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years! I love you Randy! You have changed my life and I am so glad we get to do life together!

1 comment :

Brian Franklin said...

I'm thankful for both of you, and for your marriage. I'm praying for you in this hard time with your work schedules. Have a great Thanksgiving!