Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fourteen Days of Thanks - Day 7

Day 7: I am thankful for my "Texas" friends. Love you girls!

I have some wonderful friends in my life. Several I have known since elementary. Some I've met more recently - since I moved to Texas. These friends have blessed me in so many ways. Some have been shoulders to cry on, others have been ears to listen, some have been there to pray for me, some have celebrated with me. I love them all and all are special to me. Tomorrow is dedicated to my "Oklahoma" friends. Today we'll do Texas.

My friends have been a great support since I've lived in Texas. Especially since my family was in Oklahoma, along with all my close friends. Before Randy & I got married, the ladies of TCAL opened their arms and welcomed me in. I developed some really special friendships from them. Then as our wedding was approaching, they supported me in so many ways - a wedding shower thrown just for us, helping plan our wedding and all its details, being there on our big day, loaning me their wedding staples that they just happened to have on hand, letting me vent as things got hectic and crazy, and rejoicing with me on our wedding day. Thank you ladies! You were with me through it all!

Since Randy & I have been married, things have changed some. I don't have as much free time as I used to. But my friends have still been there. They are the ones who let me come over every Wednesday night and just hang out. To chat and watch chick flicks until the wee hours of morning. They give advice when asked and listen when I just need to vent. They love to meet for coffee and just talk or listen, depending on the day. I am so thankful they are in my life. They are invaluable sources of strength and encouragement. I know, I know, it's starting to sound sappy. I'm sorry. That's just me! Thank you ladies for sticking by me through it all. Even though our lives get busy, I hope our friendships will remain. It will be hard at times, but I hope we can continue to be there for each other. I can't wait to see what God does in our lives. Love you all!

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