Tuesday, July 15, 2008

100 Pushups

So you might be wondering why I'm posting about 100 pushups. Well it is this cool workout program I found online, Hundred Pushup Challenge. I was reading a blog I just started following, Take Your Vitamin Z, and the author recently started the Hundred Pushup Challenge himself. I thought it looked interesting so I went to the website and started reading. Basically this is a 6 week work out plan that is designed so at the end you can do 100 pushups. Not bad, huh? Well, along the way you get the benefits of strength building, defining your core, and overall becoming more healthy. So I printed out the plan and decided I would try it.

Let me just pause right here and say, I'm not the type of person to work out regularly (bad, I know). I was in athletics in middle school (so glad that is in the past), then in high school I usually rode my bike or walked with my mom. In college I tried to get into working out consistently, but it wasn't until my senior year when I joined a Ball Class that I really stuck with it. For some reason the ball class was fun and I didn't dread it. Then I moved out on my own. I would walk on the treadmill or eliptical but I might go 2 weeks at a time doing nothing. So now I'm married. Randy rides his bike pretty often. By the time I get home from work, I just prefer to stay in and hang out with Randy. Randy wants to get me a bike, but we haven't found the right one yet, so currently I was doing nothing as regular exercise.

Enter the Hundred Pushup Challenge. I've always wanted to work out more often, to build up strength, and to be more healthy. This challenge, as strange as it may seem, is something I think I can do. It starts off where I am now and builds up to the 100 pushups at the end of 6 weeks. And the great thing is it requires no equipment, skill or huge chunks of my time! My perfect plan! I did the first day's workout last night, and it was tough (for my scrawny arms). I'm not too sore today, yet. I rest today and do the next workout tomorrow. Randy is doing this with me so I can't wait to see where we are in 6 weeks!

Oh, and some of our other friends have said they are going to join us in the challenge. I'm not going to post who they are, but I'd love to know how you are doing! Email me if you decide to take the challenge so we can encourage each other.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

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