Wednesday, October 3, 2012

9 month milestones - 9/22/12

9 month milestones - 9/22/12

Height - 26.5"

Weight - 18 lbs 4oz

Diapers - size 3

Clothes - 6-9 month

Sleeping - We try for bedtime usually around 8:00. You sleep for 30-45 mins then wake up and are up until 10:30 or 11. You usually sleep til around 2, then eat, back to sleep, wake around 6 then sleep til 9! so different from when Avery was your age. But she had to get up early so mommy could work so thats probably why. Your dr recommended sleep training at your appointment today. Let you cry it out for a week. A week?! I don't think I can. I'm trusting that eventually you'll want more sleep and it will be when you are ready. Plus I know trying to eat/nurse with you lively big sis around is sometimes a challenge so if this is what we must do then I'm ok with it.

Eating - You eat every 3 to 4 hours during the day. You eat for shorter amounts of time during the day and longer ones at night. You eat baby food/table food two times a day. You love Cheerios, veggie straws, strawberries, sweet peas, and bananas. Baby food - you like any fruits and veggies go down better when mixed with apples or pears.

New discoveries - Your voice and your hand waving! We hear dada and mama along with funny grunts and growls all day long. You figured out how to wave with your right hand and its the cutest thing!

New accomplishments - Your first tooth broke through! Yay! You learned to crawl and pull up this month. You started really crawling the week after Labor Day. You learned to pull up about two weeks after that.  Now you are impossible to stop. I anticipate many bumped chins and foreheads in your future. :) You are so proud of yourself when you pull up though. You can finally keep up with Avery too. 
Places you went - Tyler for Labor Day to visit Mim & Papa, Andrew, Kristy, Bella, & Layla. You also spent the weekend at home with Daddy and Poppa while me and Nonna went to Women of Faith.

Special Memories - Watching you crawl and pull up for the first time.  Seeing you wave bye-bye!

Dear Claire - 9 months already! I'm wishing time would slow a bit. You are growing into a big girl each day. crawling, pulling up, waving - please don't start walking yet! I love your sweet cuddles and hugs as I rock you to sleep each night. You are a big girl but still let me baby you. thank you! Daddy also has become funny to you. He can make you laugh better than anyone. I pray you always are able to laugh. It makes life so much better. Don't grow too much in the next 3 much. Just kidding!

Mommy & Daddy

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