Friday, July 23, 2010

3 weeks in and loving it...(part 3)

So I fully intended on finishing this blog way back at the beginning of summer. Then I got caught up in life with our new baby girl and yeah....the blog sat on the back burner. :) It isn't that I didn't want to blog, it just was just one thing on my list of things to do and most days I only got the most important things crossed off the list. So back to the story:

Our family came in to see us in our room, and as you can see from the pictures I posted earlier - Avery is one very loved little girl. My aunts, uncle, cousins, best friend, parents, brother and sister-in-law all came to visit us. Mom stayed with us in the hospital since Randy had come down with a sinus infection the day before and was not feeling well. We had a good first night - Avery slept, but Mom and I didn't. Something about not being in your own bed and sleeping on a fold out couch makes for a rough night.

Wednesday morning, Sonia (Randy's mom) & Bruce arrived.  Avery is the second granddaughter in Randy's family so it was neat to see Sonia and Bruce love on Avery like I had seen them do for Bella a couple of years ago.  We spent the day just visiting and loving on Avery. Mom, Dad, Daniel and April even cleaned our house for us.  In all the hustle of moving and unpacking, our house was a bit of a wreck. We all thought we had another week (at least) before Avery would come. We were wrong!  Courtney and Tanna came by to visit us and they got to meet Miss Avery. 

They finally released us to go home on Thursday morning and boy, were we ready!  After the doctors checked both of us and we got all the paperwork filled out, we loaded up and headed home. As ready as I was to go home, I couldn't believe it had all gone by so fast. Weird, I know, but going home with our baby girl in tow was surreal. I kind of joked to Randy that whenever God does something big in our lives, he does them in 3's. See when we got married, I started a new job, we got married and we moved all within a month. This time around, Randy graduated, we bought a house and had a baby - all within a month.  And it has been 3 years since we got married. Guess we should probably gear up now for year 6!

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