Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Big Day is Tomorrow!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
December in Our Lives
Our Christmas tree - I actually put it up before I left for Thanksgiving (shh! I know, trees don't go up until after Thanksgiving!). But I didn't decorate it, just put lights on it. Then when we got back, I spent one evening decorating it. I actually kind of liked it that way. I didn't feel completely exhausted like I usually do after a full day of putting up the tree, putting on lights, decorating, then cleaning up after the mess of stuff. Here is our tree:
Daniel Graduated from ECU - my little brother graduated from ECU (East Central University) last Saturday with a degree in Biology. We made the trip to Ada with Mom and Dad and wow! I don't think I've been back to Ada since I moved out the summer of 2005 after my graduation! I felt old! It was good to go back for a visit. Next time I'll have to make sure and try to see people.
Baby News - I'm sure all of you were waiting for this one. :) I was 18 weeks last Friday and saw a cool pic on Facebook so tried to copy it. Here is what I got:
It's really dark, I know, but I like the way this one turned out.
This is my fav! I got a new camera too!
Belly pic! I don't think this picture does my belly justice. I think it grew overnight after this pic!
We're getting a new member to our family! - Daniel and April are getting hitched! Daniel took April with him after graduation and lunch and took her to Falls Creek - where they started dating almost 3 years ago. He proposed and she said yes! So I'm getting another sister! I can't wait. They set the date, but not sure if it is public knowledge yet so I'll keep it a secret for now. Let's just say Baby Harrelson will be here and its a summer wedding!

Congratulations, little brother & my new sister! So happy for you two!
Thanksgiving 09
This year we did Thanksgiving with my family in Oklahoma. We're spending Christmas with Randy's family so Thanksgiving worked out better in Oklahoma. Randy had to work Thankgiving so I went up early by myself on Tuesday. My company was in the middle of an aquisition transition this year, so I had saved most of my vacation for the holidays. It has been nice, to have extra time at the holidays. :)
Anyways, back to Thanksgiving. Wednesday I went to see Amy and the girls and give them their aprons I made them way back in the summer. They loved them! Especially Reese.
All the pics of Meleah are on Amy's camera, I was holding her when she opened hers.
Thursday Mom and I finished up cooking for a late lunch. It turned out to be such a nice day. The rest of the family arrived and we ate lunch/dinner. Family pictures were attempted afterwards, but we ate so late that most of the daylight was already gone. Oh well!
Friday, Dad and I got up early and hit the sales. Let me just preface this with I hate shopping when it is crowded, i.e. the day after Thanksgiving. But something in me wanted to try this year and Dad was willing to go so we did. (I think the pregnancy is affecting my judgement! ha!) I ended up being able to get all of Randy's presents and even found a few deals for myself. It was fun, but I was so tired by the end. We ended up seeing the Clampet girls in Academy which was a fun surprise.
Saturday, Mom and I put up their Christmas tree and the guys did the outside lights. I forgot how big Mom's tree is! I'm hoping she can find one on clearance this year after Christmas that is a little easier to put together. Speaking of, we got a new tree this year. We actually bought it last year on clearance after Christmas so this was our first year to put it up. If you remember any of my Christmas pics of our apartment in the past, I've only ever put up small trees. Our new one is 7.5' and big. I love it though! It has pine cones wired to the branches and looks less artificial than some trees. I found a cute tree skirt at Hobby Lobby that matches our stockings and ta-da! It looks put together. I'll post pics in my next post.
Here is a slide show from Thanksgiving. You can hit the pause button and click through the pics if you want. I just don't have time to post all the ones I wanted to, so figured this would be easiest.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The poll is posted!
Friday, December 4, 2009
16 weeks and some change
I was 16 weeks on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The past month has been really good. The nausea is almost all gone and I have a lot of my energy back. No strange cravings so far, just an increased appetite. Which is great except when I step on the scales. We had our 16 week appointment on Monday and everything checked out fine. We heard the heartbeat, which is incredible every time we hear it. Our BIG sonogram is scheduled for December 28th, when we will hopefully find out if our little peanut is a boy or a girl. I'm putting a poll on my blog to see how many of you think its a boy and how many think its a girl. So make your vote count!
Here are some pictures of me at 16.5 weeks:

Oh and do you want a peak at cute Baby Harrelson?

Because of an unexpected trip to the doctor, we got a surprise sonogram yesterday. Everything is fine, Baby H is healthy and measuring right on track. They took all the measurements and Baby H is coming in at 7 ounces and 6.25 inches long. Pretty cool, huh? God is so amazing. To watch (so to speak) him knitting together our little blessing is just indescribable.
While the sonogram was going on yesterday, our little blessing wouldn't stay still. Apparently he/she gets that from his/her daddy. Lol! The sonographer told me she was going to try to see if our blessing was a boy or a girl. I really wanted Randy to be there to find out with me, so she agreed to not tell me but to put it in an envelope and let me take it home to open with Randy. The only catch was our little stinker had his/her legs crossed and wouldn't uncross them no matter what we tried. It all turned out fine in the end. We get to keep our Dec 28th appointment and find out together!
So stay tuned for our BIG reveal at the end of the month, if our little stinker cooperates! You can click here for more pictures.