Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and incidentally, both Randy & I are away from our dads. My parents are currently on their way to Colorado for a family vacation with my brother and Randy's dad and step-dad live a ways away. So to our dads, we love you very, very, very much. Thank you for all you have done and are doing to help us become the people God designed us to be. Even though we are far apart on Father's Day, in God we are close.

Our kiddos sang in the service today (Randy & I head up KidRidge). It really got me to thinking about how the relationships we have with our earthly fathers is a representation of our relationship with our heavenly Father. Pretty cool. So on Father's Day, here's to our Heavenly Abba -- We love you! Thank you for saving us, for giving us a hope and a future!

1 comment :

Jacob Haynes said...

We do need to get together. I'll give Randy a call today.