Randy & I headed home on Saturday morning (after a quick stop at Mardel's for some awesome bargains!). When we arrived Daniel and Randy decided to go fishing. Dad joined them later. Mom and I visited and she helped me get caught up on my coupon clipping and sorting (thanks mom!).
We got cleaned up and dressed to take Dad out for his birthday. Now let me preface all this by saying we almost always take Dad out to Outback for his birthday. Unless he is in Colorado on vacation. So when Mom suggested we go to Muenster to eat, Dad's first response was, "..or we could go to Outback or someplace in Sherman." Mom told him that she and Vickie & Ezelle had eaten at The Center in Muenster and it was really good. Dad said ok, but we all were thinking he was a tad bit disappointed.
We took our yearly birthday pics and here they are for you to enjoy:
Then came the big surprise. Daniel drove Mom & Dad's Expedition. On the way there, we were passed by a car they all thought they recognized. Turns out it was Reid & Debbie (Mom & Dad's friends) who were heading to the party, a little late. Luckily they never turned around and saw us and Daniel slowed way down for them to get ahead of us. After a few hiccups, we finally arrived in Muenster and started to pull in to the restaurant parking lot. And who was walking into the restaurant? Reid & Debbie. So Dad knew something was up. Then he started picking out other friends and family's vehicles. Making it to the parking lot before giving up the surprise wasn't too bad. We walked him in and all our friends and family were waiting for us. Dad was really surprised, I think. Mom counted a total of 36 people, which is a great turnout.
Dad was so special he got 2 cakes!
Overall it was a great party and a celebration of a great man. So glad I get to call him Dad! Love you Daddy!