So what have we been up to? Lots and lots, and here is a peak.
Last weekend, Randy and 7 other guys from church went camping and canoeing on the Brazos. They left on Friday and returned on Sunday. This was 3 days of "roughing" it and hanging with the guys. According to Randy, they fished, canoed, threw things into the fire, and listened to snoring and frogs at night (my words - not his). I really wanted him to blog about it, but I guess just having him take pictures of their adventures is enough. :)

Group Shot
My Hubby and his fish - he was so proud!
And what did I do while Randy was gone for 3 days? Well, I went to visit my parents and to the wedding of some dear friends of ours - Ernesto & Sherry. It was so good to see old friends and catch up on what is going on in our lives. My parents even had been going through old home movies and we took a trip down memory lane while I was there. It was so funny to see my brother wearing neon green and black striped pants and me in my kindergarten graduation. Ah, the memories!
Oh and last but not least....I got my hair cut. I'd been wanting to do something different for a while now, but couldn't decide what. Well, after talking to Sarah and getting a idea, I went Saturday to get it cut. And this is the result:

It is way shorter than I have ever had it before, but I like it. Granted I can't make it look like it did the day the stylist cut it, but I like it all the same. Its fun and different, and for all of you who like long hair (aka, Dad), it will grow back. :)
So that is what is going on in our lives. Randy starts his clinicals this week. He is excited and ready to get experience as a paramedic. Tomorrow April begins and that means a birthday and anniversary. Wow! A year already! Time has flown. I'll post more later about our first year of marriage and all we've learned. God has definitely blessed us.
Peach blooms from my parents' trees
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10