So what has been going on in the last 4 weeks? Let's see, the better question might be what hasn't happened. The weekend before Easter, I had my baby shower in Marietta. My wonderful friends put together an amazing shower. I felt so loved and blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who care about me, Randy, and Avery.
Me with my hostesses (missing Annette, Tara, Jan & Amy)
Me & Mom
The amazing cake
Me, Mom, and my aunts and cousins from my Dad's side

April, Me & Amy @ church
Then the weekend of Easter, I helped host April's bachelorette/girl's night out and personal shower. Since I don't want Daniel to see any of the pics we'll settle on just saying we all had a great time. :) Easter we went to church with Mom and Dad.
Our annual family picture - can hardly believe in 2 months we'll have 2 more people in this pic!
Then on April 5th, we finally got to close on our house! We are now officially homeowners. Wow! Kind of feels a little weird, like we are finally grown up or something. :) Here is a pic of the outside of it:

We haven't taken our picture in the front of it yet, since we need our lawn mowed badly and it has been raining so much lately. Hopefully we'll get to that soon.
We've been working on painting and getting the house ready to move in. Mom and Dad came down and spent a few days helping us pack and move the stuff we weren't using. Then we celebrated my 27th birthday by picking up our new refrigerator and stove from Sears. Add in a painting party with people from church and a weekend of painting and getting Avery's room ready and its been a busy few weeks!
So how is the pregnancy going? Really well, actually. I'm still on light duty, working from home 2-3 days a week and in the office for the others. I had my 36 week appointment on Monday and everything was right on track. I'm starting to dialate a little and my doctor said her head is starting to drop. That probably means we'll see our little girl sometime in the next 3 and a half weeks - hopefully. :) We have a sonogram scheduled for Tuesday to see how big Avery is and then the doctor said we would make a decision from there.
I've felt really well lately - minus just being tired at odd times in the day. My feet and ankles are swelling some, but it goes down when I stay off my feet and keep them up. My belly feels tight most days and I think Avery is getting a little cramped in there. Its like she tries to stretch out sometimes and just can't find room. :) Just a few more weeks, baby girl!
Here are pics from 34 and 36 weeks:

And just for fun - my belly from 30, 32, 34 & 36 weeks:

We are finishing up moving into our new house this weekend then Randy finishes up school next week and graduates on Thursday night, the 29th. A busy week ahead. Prayers would be appreciated. We'll post pictures of the final product - house, soon. Its almost done!