Tuesday, November 29, 2011

6 weeks left...

Poor 2nd child is already getting the short end of the stick and she isn't even here yet. So much has happened since my last blog and its time to get caught up.

We were 34 weeks as of Sunday. Only 6 (or so) weeks left! I seriously can't believe we are this close and it has already gone by this fast. I remember this point with Avery and it felt like we would never reach the end. This time around, I kind of wish it would slow down. Yes, I'm so excited to meet her. I can't wait to see if she looks like Avery or has a look all her own. I can't wait to see Avery with her. I can't wait to see Randy hold her for the first time. And yet, there is something about having her inside me that I wish I could hold onto forever.  I love that she gets really active after I eat fruit or sweets. I love that I can tell when she has the hiccups. That is one trait that she shares with her big sister.  :)

No new symptoms. My belly is growing and growing and growing. I didn't think it could stretch more than it did with Avery, but it has! By the end of the day I can tell if I have been up walking around too much by how sore my belly is. Its a weird feeling, kind of like a bruise. I think its probably from the fact that she is dropping and the pull gravity has on my belly. Its a weird thing to blog about, but I want to remember it for the next time (if there is one).  Sleeping has been ok. For about 2 weeks I was waking up every morning around 4 to 4:30 and not able to go back to sleep until around 6:30 - right as my alarm for work would go off. Thankfully, that passed. Weight gain has been about a pound a week, until last week. I kind of stopped getting on the scale since we were celebrating Thanksgiving and all the yummy food we had. I'm waiting until later in the week to take that plunge. :) I have a midwife appointment next week so I'll know the official numbers then.

In other related news, I'm officially a stay-at-home mommy/wife. I haven't mentioned this in our blog until now - just because it was such a uncertain situation. Randy and I had been praying and working toward me being able to stay home once Claire arrived for a while now. Not many knew about it, just our family and close friends. We have been so blessed financially in the past few years and now with Randy working for Grand Homes, we decided we could make it work. Yes we would lose my income, but we would also lose my expenses related to my working - gas, wear/tear on my car, babysitting, food, etc. Plus if we had babysitting expenses for 2 kids, one a very small infant, we just couldn't justify it. So we waited, until I was toward the end of the pregancy for me to put my notice in.  Then October 26th came. The Rangers were supposed to play that night so I dressed in jeans and my Rangers t-shirt for work. I got in and someone stopped by my office to say my boss (from Boston) was there. We weren't expecting him so I wondered what was up. He came by shortly after and that's when I heard the news. Corporate had decided to move all the finance functions from the Dallas office to Boston. Meaning my job, unless I moved, was gone. Moving wasn't an option, and honestly, it was a confirmation for me. This was what Randy and I had been praying about and God was just shutting a door confirming we were moving in the right direction.  So my last full day was November 15th and I'm working part-time until mid-December from home. Big changes for the Harrelson family, but we are excited and ready. We know it won't be easy, but are up for the challenge. We do ask for your prayers. Prayers that we can learn to budget with Randy's income. Prayers that I can adjust to being a stay-at-home mommy to Avery and Claire and a housewife to Randy.

I do have pictures. I just keep forgetting to download them. Hopefully I'll get them loaded soon. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

18th Month Milestones - 11/4/11

18th Month Milestones - 11/4/11

Height - 30.25"
Weight - 20 lbs

Sleeping - You usually go to bed around 8:00. You still take 2 naps a day but that may be coming to an end. For some reason you'll take 2 good naps while at the sitters, but not at home. I'm not sure if it is because mommy and daddy are there and you don't want to miss the action, or if its time to give up the morning nap. Guess we'll see this month!

Eating - You've been more picky this month. Mommy is hoping this is a short phase, but if not, we'll work through it. You still love your fruit and yogurt. Meat is iffy. We had to take you off milk temporarily due to really bad allergies. You have 12 teeth now, 6 on top and 6 on bottom. You LOVE your Goldfish/Cheez-its.

New discoveries - You discovered the fun of coloring this month. :) So much so that you colored on the walls in your room and at the sitter's. Normally we let you sit at the coffee table in the living room and color while we are there with you. Mommy forgot to put the crayons up one day and you decided to add some decoration to your room. Your words and communication has started expanding this month too. I'm going to have to sit down one night and just list out every word you can say.

New accomplishments - You "jump" which is more like a hop or a skip. You twirl and dance to music. You love to run and chase Daddy. You love to help Mommy load and unload the dishwasher. You know where the trash is and where to put your shoes when you take them off.

Places you went - To Oklahoma for Mommy's 10 year high school reunion. To Tyler for Aunt Kristi and cousin Layla's baby shower.

Special Memories - Getting to see Nonna & Poppa and painting a pumpkin on their backporch. Playing with Creed, Sam, and the other kiddos at Mommy's reunion. Seeing Mim, Papa, Bella, & Kristi in Tyler. Watching the Rangers play in the world series, again. :) Dressing up as an adorable lady bug for Halloween and trick or treating with Nathan, Ashtyn, Kierstyn, and Alexis.

~Mommy & Daddy